Mime Act deleted scenes 1

Here are some deleted pages from the comic book I published last year in hungary. I really liked these pages, but they couldn't make it to the final book because they didn't support the overall story. Anyway you can still watch them for free here :)

unfortunately the book is not for sale worldwide,
but if you really want a copy we can work something out:)

Pinkhell 8 !!!

The 8th issue of the hungarian comics anthology is out with four pages by me.
I don't know why I make photos like this, so don't hold it against me.

The Green Goblin

Let it be Norman of Harry, My favorite Spidey villan will always be Gobby.
(Except for the part when Norman nailed Gwen)

Space Ghost

Or shall I say, Spaaaaaaace Ghoooooooost!?
Regarding the classic cartoon characters who shouted their names.
(and that includes Bird-man)
Did some redesign on the costume but the original creator of Space Ghost is the magnificent Alex Toth.